Welcome Traders
Hello Traders!
Thank you so much for joining us this year for the market in 2024.
All the bookings are made, and all that’s left is having a wonderful profitable day!
How to help make the event successful for you?
Great question!
First up, Advertise your attendance!
Announce your attendance on your galleries and social media.
And send them to this link to register.
The more people who are already fans of your work you can encourage to attend on the day, the better the market will be for you, as well as everyone else!
Also, we have a helpful QR code
Make sure you have an electronic payment method (Square etc) or a cash float.
First time traders may not be aware of what’s required. Mostly an electronic payment method, and an internet connection from your smart phone it can use. Wifi at the venue is limited and a bit slow, so we suggest bringing your own data-plan. If you don’t have one, look into a 1-month small data package with your provider.
As for units we suggest a Square Reader or similar device.
What’s a cash float?
It’s probably worth going to the bank in the week beforehand and getting a cash float. This is a variety of change you can give buyers. We usually suggest skipping silver coins. The amount of notes and coins you need will depend on your product prices. If you have a lot of small items, you’ll likely need small-change. If you have larger items, you’ll likely need more notes.
We normally suggest a float of at least $300
20x $1 (20 coins)
20x $2 (10 coins)
$60 in $5 (30 notes)
$60 in $10 (6 notes)
$120 in $20 (6 notes)
Prepare yourself
- If you are bringing electronics, you must get them Tested & Tagged before the event with an electrician.
- Order stock with enough time. Usually 2-3 weeks beforehand (so now) is best if you haven’t already done so.
- Have signage and prices clearly marked
- Bring water and snacks. Trading time is only 5 hours, but as it’s over standard ‘lunch hours’ you may not have time for a lunch break. We have organised a Coffee & Food Cart to help you out, and Traders get a discount.
- Be gentle on your voice. The hall may be noisy and you’ll need to talk to customers and sprukle your wares!
- Have fun! Markets can be a lot in a short period, but are a great way to advertise yourself to the wider furry community in Australia, and make some money between conventions.
The Map!
We have a few graphic assets for you this year.
A map with numbers + the listing of traders.
We’ve also supplied some basic maps with just names, just numbers, and blank. In-case you want to make your own Ad (as many do)
Social media
If you’re not much of a graphics-wizz, we’ve made a little footer graphic that you can drop on top of any announcement art you’d like to share.
When sharing, if you’d like to direct people to the event as well, out socials are here
Dealer Discounts
We’re going to see if wee can secure any discounts from local restaurants for you, and you’ll found out about those (if any) on the day.
Roadshow Coffee - onSite!
Roadshow Coffee on-site!
But! We’re very glad to have Roadshow Coffee’s on site this year.
All traders will get a discount!
And you won’t have to send a runner up to NewMarket for an early morning coffee either!
The Venue
August 4th 2024.
Kensington town hall
(Google maps link)
30-34 Bellair St, Kensington VIC 3031
Event Setup: 8am
Trader Setup: 8:30am – 10:30am
Event: 11am – 4pm
Pack-down: 4pm – 6pm